Data Structure and Its Types

In this blog we will learn about what is Data Structure, what are its uses and types of Data Structures. So lets see each one by one.
Data Structure
Data Structure is a way to store and organize data so that it can be used efficiently. It can be defined as the group of data elements which provides an efficient way of storing and organizing data in the computer so that it can be used efficiently.
Examples of Data Structure are Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Tree.
Uses of Data Structure
We Use Data Structure in almost every aspect of Computer Science.
- Operating System (OS)
- Compiler Design
- Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
- Neural Network
Types of Data Structure
- Primitive data structures
- Non-primitive data structures

Primitive Data Structures
The Data Structure that operate directly upon the machine instructions are Primitive Data Structure. They can be used to create non-primitive data structures.
Integer, Floating point numbers, character constant, String constant and Pointers come in this category.
Non-Primitive Data Structures
The Data Structure that are derived from Primitive Data Structures are Non-Primitive Data Structures.
Arrays, Linked List, Stack, Queue and Tree come in this category.
Non-Primitive Data Structures are further divided in two categories
- Linear Data Structure
- Non-Linear Data Structure
Linear Data Structure
In Linear Data Structure, the elements are stored in non-hierarchical way, where each element has successor and predecessor, except the first and last element.
Linear Data Structure are divided into two parts STATIC and DYNAMIC
Static Data Structure
Static Data Structure can’t be changed, if you have declared the size during program variable initialization/declaration.
The Data Structure fall in this category is ARRAY.
Dynamic Data Structure
Dynamic Data Structure means we can change the size or extend the storage elements.
The Data Structure fall in this category are Linked List, Stack and Queue.
Non-Linear Data Structure
In Non-Linear Data Structure, the elements are stored in hierarchical way or are not stored linearly in the memory.
The Data Structure fall in this category are Tree and Graph.
Read This Full Blog HERE.
This blog is Written by AMIT KUSHWAHA