Introduction To Algorithm

Amit Kushwaha
1 min readMay 22, 2020


An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. It is expressed in pseudo code, but with some statements in English rather than in the Programming Language.

As we know there are many ways to solve a problem, programmers seek to create the most effective algorithms possible. By using highly-efficient algorithms, developers can ensure their programs run as fast as possible and use minimum system resources.

Example 1

Lets us try to develop an algorithm to compute and display the sum of two nunbers:

  1. START
  2. Read two numbers a and b.
  3. Calculate the sum of a and b and store it in sum.
  4. Display the value of sum.
  5. STOP

Example 2

Algorithm to calculate the Factorial of a given number:

  1. START
  2. Read the number n.
  3. [Initialization] i <- 1, fact <- 1
  4. Repeat steps 4 through 6 until i = n;
  5. fact <- fact * i
  6. i <- i * 1
  7. Print fact

